Sunday, April 11, 2004Hooray for Dawson, Joey, Pacey and Jen! WoOOoohOooo!

When I first learned about the wonders of P2P (beyond Kazaa and LimeWire), my greatest goal is to download all of the 5 remaining seasons of Dawson's Creek (I already have season 1 in DVD). I super love that TV series and I even have this secret desire to be the next "Joey". Dream on! Anyway, after months and months of surfing and searching I finally found it! Thank God for eMule and torrents!
The downside? One episode takes almost 24 hours to download!
Who cares?!
Ummm...my dad maybe...when he sees next month's electric bill? Uh-oh!
When I first learned about the wonders of P2P (beyond Kazaa and LimeWire), my greatest goal is to download all of the 5 remaining seasons of Dawson's Creek (I already have season 1 in DVD). I super love that TV series and I even have this secret desire to be the next "Joey". Dream on! Anyway, after months and months of surfing and searching I finally found it! Thank God for eMule and torrents!
The downside? One episode takes almost 24 hours to download!
Who cares?!
Ummm...my dad maybe...when he sees next month's electric bill? Uh-oh!
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