Thursday, May 27, 2004
:: T3 & HARRY ::

T3 is here!
I've been dying to post this for days! Finally! Guess what's my new favorite mag? T3 Philippines! Move over Gadgets and Stuff, this is THE ONE! Ever since I saw and bought the mag last weekend, I've been hooked, impressed and bewildered. So many nice and informative reviews on techie stuffs. They give unbiased and fair opinion on their features. Here are some stuff that I truly want with my own comment! Haha!

iPOD Mini. I Want. I Want!
> It's compact, it's lightweight, its trendy and the 4GB (or 1,000 songs) capacity is just right for me
> It matches so so well with my iTunes
> This is something that I can "somewhat afford in the future" (hah! wishful thinking!) without breaking into tears (or breaking into a bank). The pegged price in the US is $249.00 (P13,944) but the Mac Store in Greenbelt told me that they will sell it at P16,000 (what?!?!) in July. I love this baby even if people kept on telling me that $50.00 more can get me an iPod with a whooping 15gb like Cols. Hah! I can't spare $300 for an MP3 and I don't need additional 11gb worth of songs.
> Check out the iPod Mini and its refreshing colors here.
T3's Verdict: The iPod Mini is the best and the simplest no-nonsense digital music player around. It's a bit pricey but well worth it. It has all the feature of the older iPod but it makes a far superior fashion statement with its aluminum case and choice of five colors.
I. WANT. - the features, the sleek-ala-iPod design
I. DON'T. WANT. - the unforgivable price - P23,000 and lack of memory (it only got 2mb of internal memory! golly molly crap!)

Sony (eww!) Ericsson T630?! Hmmm? I'll think about this.1111
Don't disappoint me Warner Brothers!!! Don't mess this one. This is by far the best Harry Potter book ever (and so many people agrees with me!). It will be shown on the 2nd of June and I can hardly wait. Me and my family are going to watch it @ ATC and I already reserved 6 movie tickets! Wooohhhoo! Even Little Gabbie is joining us. I remember the first two movies and I recall watching the 1st one on a pirated VCD at home (me and my brother were so atat) then I watched it again with Olen, Pats, Bim and R2 at Greenbelt 1. I watched the second one at Powerplant with Kat and Jako. I remember a lot of string pulling to get tickets on the first day with my tito who's a honcho at Powerplant. I watched it again at Greenbelt with the same bunch and I even recall Raymond and his famous umbrella story! Harhar!
Ohhhhh Sirius Black can't wait to see you!
Thank you for your comment.